Osteoporosis news

Healthy Bones Australia and Garvan Institute release 2021 Know Your Bones Community Risk Report
Supported by Theramex Australia
October 20, 2021

Wednesday, October 20 marks World Osteoporosis Day 20211. Theramex Australia is proud to have supported the Healthy Bones Australia and Garvan Institute’s 2021 know your bones community risk report which summarises data from over 88,000 Australians that have completed the online ‘Know Your Bones’ assessment tool2.
The data strongly supports studies that report osteoporosis to be an under-diagnosed and under-treated disease and stresses the urgency for early intervention and routine investigation of adults that present risk factors of poor bone health2,3.
Some key take-outs from the report include:
- “Based on total number of minimal trauma fractures reported 52% (over half) occurred in adults aged 50-69 years”2
- “Vast majority of people (86%) reporting a previous fracture are also reporting not taking preventative medication”2
- “Nearly 40% of people completing assessment have a clinical risk factor for osteoporosis and vast majority of people completing assessment (99%) reported having a lifestyle risk factor”2
CEO of Healthy Bones Australia, Greg Lyubomirsky states “Know Your Bones represents a simple first step for Australians to consider their bone health, and can be performed in the comfort of their own homes. Fractures place a huge burden on the cost of the healthcare system and account for the majority (69 per cent) of the expected AUD 3.85 billion,4 in 2022, including emergency costs, hospital stays, rehabilitation, and community services. We need to educate the community about the risk factors for poor bone health, and ensure adults with risk factors are investigated as part of a routine medical check-up.”
Read more in the community risk report below:
Visit Know Your Bones here to take the Know Your Bones assessment and evaluate your risk of fracture today.
Healthy Bones Australia: https://lnkd.in/g229GDH9
Garvan institute: https://www.garvan.org.au/
1. International Osteoporosis Foundation (IOF) World Osteoporosis Day October20. Accessed October, 2021
2. Healthy Bones Australia, Know Your Bones Community Risk Report – Second Edition 2021. 9204e2_7d577094dba44a7cb36f6b669e0cf91f.pdf (filesusr.com). Accessed October, 2021
3. Zaheer S, LeBoff MS 2018 Osteoporosis: Prevention and Treatment
4. Watts, J., Ambimanyi-Ochom, J, & Sander K, Osteoporosis costing all Australians: A new burden of disease analysis 2012-2022. 2013, Healthy Bones Australia.
Burden-of-Disease-Analysis-2012-2022.pdf (healthybonesaustralia.org.au). Accessed October, 2021
October 20, 2021. IWEB_005858
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